The Casseus Law GreenLight program is specifically designed to assist researchers and entrepreneurs who are at the top of their field and who qualify to self-sponsor for a green card through either the NIW or EB-1 petition process.

Casseus Law has maintained great success in filling approved EB-1/NIW cases. To date, the firm has maintained a 100% green card approval rate. We have counseled hundreds of researchers regarding obtaining a green card through the NIW and EB-1 processes.

In order to be considered for the GreenLight program, you will need to provide the firm with evidence that you are a researcher with at least a master’s degree or an entrepreneur who is at the top of your field. Please send the following information to rachel@casseuslaw.com

Information to send with your GreenLight Application: (please email copies, do not send originals):

  • A copy of your master’s or PhD diploma
  • For entrepreneurs please send a copy of any licenses that you have obtained and information about your business, number of employees, and your position at the company.
  • Media articles about your work/ the company
  • Google Scholar report
  • Number of citations
  • List of peer reviewed publications
  • A written summary of the applications of your work and a statement of how your work is important to the United States.

We will review your credentials and will determine if you qualify to be part of the GreenLight Program. You will get a response back within three business days of your sending your information.

GreenLight Program Offerings

If you are selected to be part of the Green Light program you will be entitled to the following:

  • Unlimited phone, email, and in-person meetings with an attorney at the firm.
  • Money back guarantee. If your EB-1 or NIW application is denied, we will gladly return half of your attorney’s fees.  This does not include filing fees paid to the government.
  • All of your letters of recommendation are written by attorneys.
  • Credentials Counseling: If we determine that you would benefit from strengthening your credentials before filing an NIW or EB-1 petition, we will counsel you and help you develop an action plan to increase your likelihood of obtaining a green card through a NIW or EB-1 petition.