Contact Attorney Rachel Casseus now to get your loved one released from immigration detention. Call directly any time at 339-222-3434 

Attorney Casseus is experienced in successfully arguing bond motions to get her clients released from immigration detention.  It is important to act now because the government can move or have your loved one deported at any time! Attorney Casseus can help you if your loved one is detained in any of the 50 states.

If your loved one has been placed in immigration jail, contact immigration attorney Rachel Casseus now. The Law Office of Rachel Casseus can help you get your loved one released from immigration detention. Attorney Casseus is experienced in getting her detained clients released from department of homeland security and immigration and customs enforcement detention.   Call attorney Casseus today. She will determine if your loved one is eligible to be released on bond.

The second you find out that your loved one is detained, it is important to take action immediately.  A detainee can be sent back to their country in a few hours or a few days after the initial detention. If the government does not immediately remove your detained loved one, it can transfer detainees to other facilities.  Attorney Casseus once had a client that was initially detained in Texas and moved to a facility in New Jersey.  In order to make sure that your family member is not moved, call or email the office now.

The U.S. Government Department of Homeland Security (DHS) through their enforcement arm called Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is increasingly putting foreign nationals in immigration detention in order to hold undocumented people and those immigrants who have been picked up by law enforcement after their arrest. Foreign nationals are usually detained by ICE when the government finds that the person is removable based on unlawful presence or based on their committing crimes.  ICE will continue to hold foreign nationals who they deem to be a “flight risk” meaning that the person may not appear at their immigration  court hearing or that he or she poses a public safety threat to either persons or property. Detention allows the government to ensure that a foreign national  appears at all of their scheduled hearings at the immigration court.

There are many reasons why someone can be detained by DHS some of these include: missed prior immigration hearing dates, multiple crimes, arrival at the border without a visa, outstanding removal or deportation order. When you find out that your loved one is in immigration detention, contact the Law Office of Rachel Casseus.  Attorney Casseus will help you locate your family member and she will contact the deportation officer on the case. If you have already contacted the deportation officer on the case, it is best to not give information about yourself or your detained loved one because any information that you give to the deportation officer can be used in the immigration court against your detained loved one.  Leave the talking to Attorney Casseus.

Each detained person is assigned a deportation officer. The officer has the authority to offer the detained individual voluntary departure, stipulated removal, or some other form of release from detention. Attorney Casseus will work to have your loved one released from immigration custody. If your loved one is not eligible to be released Attorney Casseus will help to ensure that the detained individual has access to needed medical treatment.

Attorney Casseus will draft a motion for a “bond hearing.” Every detained person is entitled to a bond hearing to determine whether the detainee can be released. At the hearing, the immigration judge will determine if the detainee can be released on bond. The money will be returned when the detained person’s immigration case is over. If the judge finds that the detained person  should be released, he or she will set a bond amount that must be paid before release. As 2013, the minimum bond amount is $1,500. Attorney Casseus has been successful in helping her clients get released on personal recognizance, meaning that they did not have to pay a bond amount in order to get out of immigration detention.


1) If you were detained by the immigration authorities while trying to enter the country at a port of entry such as an airport or at the US-Canada or US-Mexico border, you will not be eligible for a bond. In these cases, you may request something called “parole” from the immigration authorities.

2) If you have multiple criminal convictions that can be considered crimes of moral turpitude, you will not be eligible for a bond. If you have never been admitted to the United States, even one conviction considered a crime involving moral turpitude, if the potential punishment could have been more than one year, will prevent you from being eligible for bond.

3) If you have been convicted of one or more drug possession offenses or an offense relating to firearms.

4) If you have been convicted of an aggravated felony. Examples of aggravated felonies include:

 Any offenses relating to drug trafficking, including possession with intent to distribute or deliver, manufacture or sale of drugs

 Any offenses relating to firearms trafficking

 Rape

 Sexual Abuse of a Minor or child pornography

 Murder or attempted murder

 Felony alien smuggling (unless it was your first and you were helping only your husband, wife, child or parent)

 Fraud or income tax evasion, if the victim lost over $10,000

 Money laundering (over $10,000)


Ice Detention Facilities